favicon.ico SimpleRssDownloader for Android. Download here or the Market on your phone.

SimpleRssDownloader downloads your RSS feed items for you.

You can then view or play them with your favorite browser and media readers. This is useful when you are going to be out-of-touch (like, on an airplane, or if you commute on a subway or bus that goes through tunnels), or when your connection bandwidth is not enough for smooth media streaming. Webpage, text and media items are supported.

Menu / Download Latest. This feature will download all items in current feed that have the same Publish Date (pubdate) as the first item. This was specifically designed for Economist subscriber podcasts at talkingissues.economist.com. It also works with other podcasts that hcave a pubdate. If a podcast does not have a pubdate, this menu item won't do anything.

Menu / Download Latest. This will download ALL items in current feed.

Click on a feed item title, and you'll get a feed item screen.
Click "Default", "Download" or "Cancel".

"Download" will download the feed item to /sdcard/download/..., then you open the file with your favorite applications.

"Default" won't download the feed item, it will just pass it on to your phone's default action for that particular feed item type. For example, if the feed is a web page, the browser will open. If the feed is an MP3, your media player will open.

Menu / Manage" to change your selected feed, Import and Export feeds.
Enter the feed in the text box, tap ADD and it will be added to the feed list. Or, tap PASTE, tap ADD and it will be added to the feed list. Then, click on a feed to select it. See the "How do I add a feed ?" question below, for more ways to add a feed.

Tap IMPORT to import any OPML file from your /sdcard/download/ folder.

Tap EXPORT to export your current list of feeds to the OPML file: /sdcard/download/SimpleRssDownloader.opml .


Where are my downloads kept ?
Downloads are in /sdcard/download/<feedname>/<filename>.

Why does it say "Alpha" in the title bar ?
Right now, this app is in the "Alpha" pre-release stage. I would like to get feedback on what you would like the application to do. Email: androidSRD at squakmt.com

Where's the help screen ?
There will be a help screen in the application in a future update.

I did not enter any feeds. Where did these feeds come from ?
A few public feeds are pre-loaded to help you get started. Please add your own, and delete those you don't want.

How do I add a feed ?
go to menu / manage. Then you can add a feed in any of several ways:
1. type, using a soft or hard keyboard
2. tap the "Paste" button, if you previously did a "copy" in another app and have it in your clipboard
3. Import a list of feeds (see Import, below)

How do I delete a feed ?
Press and hold on the feed (this is called a "long press"), and you'll get a menu with "delete" as an option.

How do I completely delete the list of feeds ?
You can't. If you Press and hold on a feed, you'll have the option to "Delete All". This deletes all feeds, then adds the default feeds.

What does "00:00" mean ?
The line above the "download" button might look like either of these two samples:
11:48 of audio/x-m4a, 4,488,123 bytes
00:00 of audio/x-m4a, 4,488,123 bytes
Some media feeds have a HH:MM:SS duration. Some feeds don't. If you see: "00:00" here, the feed didn't have one.

When and how often does it access the Internet ?
A lot. Be careful. You are responsible for your Internet charges.
Data plans with unlimited access are highly recommended.
Every time you open the app, the last selected feed is refreshed from the Internet.
When you change the active feed, a refresh is done.
When you press the "default" or "download" buttons, the feed item is downloaded.

How do I stop a download ?
Press the "Cancel" button.

Why can't I get landscape mode ?
Right now, the application is always in Portrait orientation.

How do I change the language ?
Right now English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese are supported. SimpleRssDownloader uses your phone's locale to select the language. So, when you change the locale of the phone, the language will change also. I would like to add more languages. If you know anyone who can do translations, please contact androidSRD at squakmt.com .
You might be able to display feeds in other languages.
If you want localized feed language support added in a future release, please send a sample of the RSS feed to: androidSRD at squakmt.com .

Import - How do I import my feeds ?

You can import your favorite feeds as follows:
1. create an OPML file, and put it on your sd card in: /sdcard/download/
2. go to menu / manage, and click on import.
3. your feeds will be imported 4. It can take several minutes to import some feeds, depending on your network connection speed. You can do other things while the feeds are imported, because the import process runs in the background.

Where are my feeds kept ?
The feed data is kept in a small database on your phone.

Why do some file names make no sense -- they are just a jumble of letters and numbers like "npr_126305455.mp3" ?

Some feeds have good file names, some don't. I am working on creating better file names for those that don't. Please send me examples of your feeds that don't. This will help me test improvements to the file naming.

Why do I get the message "Download Probably Finished" ?
This message is displayed when the file seems to have completely downloaded; but we can not verify the length.
This is because some feeds have a length in them, some don't; and some have a length that does not match the actual length of the file.

Why are files in /sdcard/download ?
It seemed like a good place to put them. What location would work for you ?

I found a bug. What do I do ?
Email everything you can about the bug to: androidSRD at squakmt.com . I will fix it !

Known Bugs:
If you lose (or gain) your WiFi connection in the middle of a download, the download may fail with:
"Can not download. System message: socketException: The operation timed out"
Circumvention: tap the download button again to restart the download.

Can I see screen samples ?
